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Dansk Maskinhandlerforening (DM)

The Association of Danish Agricultural Machinery Dealers is the official trade association and employers' association for the agricultural machinery business in Denmark.
DM has 134 main stores with a total of 195 outlets across the country.
The members had a turnover in 2013 of approximately 1,3 billion euro distributed on new and used equipment as well as spare parts and repairs.
Members employed at. September 30, 2013 2,944 employees in service, parts, sales and administration.

Adress :  Kokholm 3C - DK-6000 KOLDING
Telephone :  +45 3927 0087
Fax :  +45 3917 8954
E-mail :
Website :
Total number of dealers 400
Total number of dealers employees 5.000
Number of farmers 42.099
Average farm surface area 62.9

Jens Aage JENSEN
Jens Aage JENSEN

General Secretary: