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LandBauTechnik - Bundesverband e.V.

LandBauTechnik-Bundesverband is the top-part of the official three stepped Association for 4.300 dealers and service-companies of agricultural, garden- and construction equipment in Germany; all together they are 5.665 stores. They employ about 42.500 persons, the part of apprentices is 17,8% and therefor very high.
The members turnover in 2017 is close to 10 billion EUR.
The Association´s structure is decentrally organized and free: based in the regions the companies become members in “Innungen”; 40 Innungen all over Germany join together in “Landesverbänden” based in Germany´s 16 countries, which are members of the national top-part “LandBauTechnik-Bundesverband e.V (LBT).

Adress :  Alfredstraße 102 - DE 45131 Essen
Telephone :  +49 201 89624-0
Fax :  +49 201 89624-36
E-mail :
Website :
Total number of dealers 4.300
Total number of dealers employees 42.500
Number of farmers 290.000
Average farm surface area 57,2


Michael OELCK
General Secretary:
Michael OELCK