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FEDERACMA - Italian Federation of National Associations of Machinery Traders and of the Territorial ACMA, operating in the context of CONFCOMMERCIO- Imprese per l'Italia and CONFCOMMERCIO MOBILITA , represents agricultural machinery dealers, repair shops, spare parts dealers, garden machinery dealers, forestry, livestock and irrigation machinery dealers, agricultural machinery hirers and gardeners and used machine sellers.
The objective is to protect the interests of the categories operating in the above mentioned sectors and improve margins, job safety and specific training, proposing new laws, interacting with all the subjects of the supply chain, drawing up agreements with service companies and participating in groups of work that the institutions organize. The continuous contact with the categories that make up our federation will be developed with continuous communication through traditional channels, social networks, road shows and fairs.

Adress :  Via Conca d'Oro 378, I-00141 ROMA
Telephone :  +39 068 74 20 010
Fax :  +39 068 20 83 007
E-mail :
Website :
Total number of dealers 1.850 (data relating to the UNACMA division)
Total number of dealers employees 8.300
Number of farmers 1.133.023
Average farm surface area 11,1

Andrea BORIO
Andrea BORIO

General Secretary: