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AGRION - Združenie dodávateľov pôdohospodárskej techniky v Slovenskej republike.

AGRION - Slovak association of agricultural technology suppliers

AGRION brings together both domestic producers of agricultural, food and forestry technology as well as the seller of this technology, representing foreign manufacturing companies, and companies that supply Agricultural businesses operating on land and in the service of spare parts for machinery and equipment and other necessary complementary goods.

Adress :  Rybarska 37, 949 01 Nitra, Slovakia
Telephone :  00421 911 808 152
Fax : 
E-mail :
Website :
Total number of dealers 55
Total number of dealers employees 800
Number of farmers 23.600
Average farm surface area 80,7

Peter Matejovič
Peter Matejovič

Peter Matejovič
General Secretary:
Zuzana Békésiová